
Scripts can be executed as part of a scene inside of InControl. This page describes the process of creating these scripts as well as the InControl device and scene objects that are accessible via the script

Script Creation

To create a script, you simply need a text editor. Load up your favorite one (Notepad++ works great). Create a new file in your Scripts folder -- normally located at C:\Program Files (X86)\Moonlit Software, LLC\InControl HA\Scripts. Name the file with a .CS extension -- for example, "MyScript.cs"

All scripts should start with a basic framework. Here's a sample framework for you to start with. Copy and paste this into your new script:

using MLS.ZWave.Service.Rules;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.Device.ZWave;

public class MyScript : ScriptBase, ScriptInterface {

   public void runScript() {
       // This is where the magic happens
       // Your code should go here



Retrieving a Device

Devices can be retrieved if you know one of three id's related to the device:

  • Short Id: The Short Id can be found by double-clicking a device inside InControl. This is the best Id to use for retrieving a device.
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
  • Object Provider Id: This is an Id assigned by the controller; it may not always be guaranteed to be unique if you use multiple controllers.
   var device = getNode(18);
  • Device Id: This is a unique UUID assigned to each device by InControl. This id is not exposed in the InControl UI anywhere, but can be queried by a script if desired.
   var gUid = Guid.Parse("F9168C5E-CEB2-4faa-B6BF-329BF39FA1E4");
   var device = getNode(gUid);
Device Properties

These properties are common to all devices:

  • device.level - This is the level of the device. Anything higher than 0 generally represents 'ON'
  • - This is the name of the device
  • device.deviceId - This is the unique UUID assigned to a device
  • device.providerDeviceId - This is the controller assigned id of a device. For z-wave, this is the node id.
  • device.shortId - This is the short id of a device. Assigned by InControl.
  • device.deviceType - This tells what type of device it is.

Valid device types:

  • StandardSwitch
  • DimmerSwitch
  • PowerOutlet
  • Thermostat
  • Controller
  • Unknown
  • BinarySensor
  • ZonePlayer
  • MotionSensor
  • MultiLevelSensor
  • EntryControl
  • LevelDisplayer
  • NotLicensed
  • IpCamera
  • EnergyMonitor
  • Alarm
  • Fan
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   if (device.deviceType == MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.StandardSwitch) { 
Thermostat Device Properties
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatFanMode - The desired operating mode of the fan
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatFanState - The current state of the fan
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSystemMode - The desired operating mode of the system (Heating, cooling, off, etc.)
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSystemState - The current state of the system
  • thermostatDevice.thermostatSetPoints - This is a list of setpoints and their values

To retrieve a thermostat device with all its properties, you could issue this command:

   var thermostatDevice = getNodeByShortId(thermostatShortId) as Thermostat;

Standard Device Commands

Set Device Level

To set the level of a device to 75, you would first need to retrieve the device then use it's device Id to issue the command.

   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   setDeviceLevel(device.deviceId, 75);
Set Device Power

Available as of version 3.114.

To power a device on or off, you would first need to retrieve the device then use it's device id to issue the command.

   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   setPower(device.deviceId, true);

Thermostat Control

Fan Mode
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);

   // Turns the fan to auto
   dm.setZWaveThermostatFanMode(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoFanMode.Auto);

   // Turns the fan to on
   dm.setZWaveThermostatFanMode(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoFanMode.On);
System Mode
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   dm.setZWaveThermostatSystemState(device.deviceId, HA.DeviceController.Common.ThermoSystemMode.Heat);

These are the valid modes -- note that some thermostats may not support all of these modes:


To change a setpoint, you need to know the name of the manufacture created setpoints. Generally these are always the same and you usually use these values:

  • To change heating, use a name of "Heating1"
  • To change cooling, use a name of "Cooling1"
   var device = getNodeByShortId(10);
   dm.setZWaveThermostatSetPoint(device.deviceId, "Heating1", 72);


base.sceneDevices - This is a list of all devices available in the scene

foreach (var sd in base.sceneDevices) {
   var device = getNode((Guid)sd.deviceId);

base.targetNodes - This is a list of all nodes if using rules (you should really be using scenes though!)

// Get all the devices specified in the above list
var devices = getNodes(targetNodes);

// Loop through all the nodes 
foreach (var d in devices) {
    if (d.stateTracker.timeSinceLastChange.TotalMinutes > 10) {
        // Turn off the device by setting the level to 0
        setDeviceLevel(d.deviceId, 0);

Other Commands

Showing Messages

This command will show a message in the UI if it's running. If the UI is not running, the command is ignored.

   showMessage("Your message here", "The title of your message");
Writing to the Logfile.txt

The logfile.txt can be found in your InControl's installation folder.

   writeFileLog("Message to append to the logfile");
Device triggers

As of version 3.145, a script that is triggered as part of a scene will have access to the device that caused the trigger via the triggerMetaData property. The triggerMetaData.triggeringDevice will contain a reference to the device that triggered the scene/script.

   var deviceName = triggerMetaData.triggeringDevice.deviceName;
Scene Name

The scene name that called this script can be accessed using the sceneName property.

Activate Scene

Activate a scene by calling the method:  
