Substitution Text

InControl has special text commands that can be used in places like Http Command and Notification Command windows to substitute values for devices. Here is a list of those commands:

<device[shortId].name> - This will replace the text with the name of the device matching the short Id.

<device[shortId].level> - This will replace the text with the current level of the device matching the short Id.

<device[shortId].status> - This will replace the text with the current status of the device (i.e, open, locked, closed, off, on, etc.)

<device[triggeringDevice].status> - The text triggeringDevice can be used instead of an actual shortId to use info from the device that triggered the scene. This is valid for name, level and status. 

<now> - Replaces the text with the current date and time.


The <device[16].name> is at level <device[16].level>


The dimmer is at level 99

NOTE: The shortId can be found by double-clicking a device and viewing the properties window.