Retrieve level of device from command line

Getting the sensor value or the level of a device from the command line is fairly straight-forward with InControl. In this tutorial, I'll describe how to accomplish this with a device that reports multiple sensor values. The same concept will work even with a standard light. First of all, ensure that you are at least running version 2.80 of InControl on your PC.

This tutorial will assume you are doing this from a Windows computer. It should still work in a similar fashion on other OSes though.

Step 1: You need to get a copy of CURL. Some OSes such as Linux might already have this. If not, visit the CURL web page to download the appropriate version for your operating system.

Once you have that downloaded, extract the curl.exe to your hard drive.  To make this easier, put your CURL.EXE file in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder. This isn't required, but makes it easier for the sake of this tutorial and helps prevent the "COMMAND IS NOT RECOGNIZED" errors that are common.

Step 2: Find out what your computer's IP address is. This is the computer where you have InControl installed. The quickest way to find this is to open up a CMD window (by clicking Start/Run and typing CMD). Once the window is open, type in ipconfig and hit enter. You should get output similar to this:

The important information is found on the line that says IPv4 address. In my case, it's - make a note of this number because you'll need it later on.  Note: if you see many of these listed like I do, the most likely bet is that it's the only one with a value for Default Gateway. 

Step 3:Create a "Sensor" device. This step is optional and is only required if your device includes sensor readings. My thermostat is just such a device - you can recognize these types of devices because they'll have a table of additional values. Take a look at my thermostat device:



Notice in the above screen shot that there is a line that reads "Temperature" and shows a value of 69. That's a sensor reading. If you want to get that value, you'll need to create a sensor device based on it. Notice the blue button to the left of "Temperature?" Click that to create this new virtual device. Give it a name - I named mine "Main Temperature."

Step 4:Find out the device Id of your device. This will be the virtual sensor device you just created in step 3 or any other device you want to get a level on. For this step, we'll use a browser such as Google Chrome (note, this works in all browsers, but is easiest to do in Chrome). From your PC running Incontrol, open up a browser and type in this url: http://localhost:1178/zwave/devices?password=123. Be sure to substitute "123" for your password if you have one set. You should get a window full of something that looks like this:


Search for your device by hitting CTRL+F and typing in the device's name. Near your device, you should see a deviceId. I've highlighted mine in the screen shot above. You need to make note of that Id - it's everything in between the quotes. In my case, the id is 15647143-5913-486d-a932-76879000011d.

Step 5:Retrieve the level of the device. It's time to use CURL to get the device along with the level. Type in the following command into a CMD window: Be sure to substitute "" with your IP address that you located earlier. You'll also need to substitute your device id and password. Here's how my curl output looks - you'll also notice that my main temperature is at 69 degrees ("level":69):